Welcome! This first moodle - moodle 01.01 - sets the stage, and presents cultural planning. This aim of this moodle is to introduce participants to cultural planning and to present cultural mapping as a tool.
Cultural planning and mapping is the key feature of this platform project, where we aim to give participants concrete tools and present activities and actions that can help them drive positive change for youths and the cultural and creative sector.
The Meta moodle 01.02 is about cultural mapping.
Cultural mapping is a process of identifying and presenting an organisation's structure, culture, and the key elements that define it. The goal of cultural mapping is to gain a better understanding of how an organisation or community functions, including its percieved strengths and weaknesses, and to use that understanding to drive positive change.
Before you start on meta moodle 01.03 Cultural mapping, you should have completed meta no.s 1 and 2. The suite of three meta moodle courses will take you about 130 hours to complete.
Meta moodle 01.03 can take as little as 7 hours and as much as 120 hours to complete – much depends on how big and complex your CCS community is and how much time you devote to the work. Instead of giving a timeframe for how long the work will take, consider that you will be doing the following exercises: Course introduction (this presentation), Process model desktop analysis, Cultural mapping interviews and discussion exercises, Cultural mapping report writeup, and Cultural mapping dissemination to sector and other stakeholders.
Once completed, the exercise can be done at regular intervals, and should not be as work intensive the subsequent times it is completed.
- This moodle is inspired by and builds on the analysis of the Norwegian CCS and work by Jon Øien and Dag Solhjell.